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Therapy Lab - Θωμάς Τάτσης - Φυσιοθεραπευτής
Thomas Tatsis

Scientific Officer – Physiotherapist

After completing his studies in physiotherapy at the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Sterea Ellada, Thomas worked on the restoration of musculoskeletal injuries. In addition, he specialized in Pilates Reformer and TRX Pilates, as well as in the Otago Exercise Method for the elderly.

His involvement as a physiotherapist with the team of Heracles Chalkida in the Greek Volley League has provided him with significant professional experience in dealing with sports injuries and first aid during a match.

Additionally, the completion of a seminar on the use of dry needle for intramuscular stimulation in combination with his expertise on sport massage gives him an advantage in the management of musculoskeletal pain.

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