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TherapyLab Gazi 2 – Fitness Hall is a new Center which complements the services of the first TherapyLab Gazi Center (active in the wider area of Thissio, Petralona and Kerameikos since 2014). In an area of 400 square meters, we cover all needs for therapeutic exercise which patients with orthopedic, neurological, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases as well as high level athletes may require.

TherapyLab Gazi 2 – Fitness Hall is a specialized rehabilitation and recovery center that combines modern means of rehabilitation and body strengthening with traditional methods of athletic massage and medical sauna.

The medical sauna is provided with supervision of treatment time and temperature by the responsible physiotherapist in the area. It is worth noting that according to new Finnish scientific research frequent sauna not only increases sweating but can also reduce cardiovascular risk (stroke and heart attack) as well as the risk of premature death from any cause.

 The longer one can stand to stay in the sauna, the more health benefits it has (Laukkanen, Association between Sauna Bathing and Fatal Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality Events, 2015).

TherapyLab Gazi 2
TherapyLab Gazi 2

Additionally, at TherapyLab Gazi 2 – Fitness Hall we offer personalized cardiovascular rehabilitation programs whose characteristics (form, type, intensity, duration) are tailored to the needs and history of the individual patient.

Our programs are based on guidelines from the European Heart Association, the American Heart Association and the American College of Sports Medicine. Exercise is supervised and the vital signs of the patients (blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation) are recorded before, during and after the session. Thus, maximum safety is offered to the patient.

In the field of pulmonary rehabilitation, Therapy Lab offers personalized exercise programs according to the guidelines of the European Pulmonary Society. In addition to exercise, our actions aim at learning the right breathing pattern and strengthening the breathing muscles through “breathing training” using special breathing exercisers.

In our center we also offer programs for the treatment of visceral fat with a variety of different forms of exercise (continuous, high intensity / strength, etc.). The goal is not just to burn calories during the session but also to maintain the metabolism at a very high level for several hours afterwards.

It is worth noting that obesity is a condition that very often coexists with orthopedic conditions. So supervision of a patient by a physiotherapist significantly reduces the chance of an injury.

We provide our services to patients who are affiliated with EOPYY, the Army, the Air Force, the Navy and the Coast Guard.

TherapyLab Gazi 2
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